Baptism Policy

St. Andrew’s United Church Cochrane, AlbertaGreetings in the name of Love incarnate—Jesus ChristThe Council of St. Andrew’s United Church approves this policy to give direction to the pastoral practice of the minister and to provide information to those who may seek baptism as a part of the worship service at this church. Baptism is a celebration of life – our life, God’s life in us and us in God’s life. It is the sacrament of initiation into the universal Christian church and into the way of Jesus.Choosing baptism for your child or for yourself is an important step in your relationship with God and with this Christian faith community. Through its ministers and lay leaders, St. Andrew’s United Church seeks to keep its promises to walk with those of any age before, during, and after the baptism. In helping you prepare, we feel both blessed by your trust and conscious of the amazing responsibility involved in celebrating God’s infinite love.Preparation for infant baptism in our congregation involves the parents meeting with our minister and participating in a 1 ½ hour course which includes the opportunity
  • to be in personal conversation with you about your choice
  • to find a date that works for you and our community of faith
  • to provide you with resources to learn more about baptism and its rich meanings for faithful living in relationship with God and the people of God
  • to review the worship service so that you can be fully informed and participate fully
  • to provide you with information and opportunities to help you engage in the life and ministry of St. Andrew’s United Church
  • to invite loved ones and friends to be full participants in this sacred event.
  • to ensure that the event is both memorable and remembered as the beginning of the life-long journey of faith
Preparation for adult, youth and children baptism encompasses all of the above but in age appropriate learning opportunities.So welcome! Come with your questions, your hopes, your doubts as well as your certainties, and a longing for a deeper truth that comes from God. We will share our experiences, and together we will grow in faith, hope, and love.Completed January 2020