Whoever you are, however you identify,
whatever your age or stage of life,
wherever you are on the journey—welcome!
Everyone is welcome to join us
Sunday mornings at 10:30AM
for an engaging time of song, story, reflection, and prayer.
Gathering as a whole God-family,
we encourage children to stay
in the sanctuary with their families,
and offer Children’s Bulletins for them
to work through during the service.
We also have an infant-toddler room
right next to the Sanctuary,
with some other quiet activities provided,
should children need another space to go to with their guardian.
The last Sunday of every month, our worship service
is more inclusive, all-ages, and experiential.
We call it OMEGA Worship:
Openly we Move and Everyone Grows through Adventure!
Invite your kids and grand-kids; come as a family,
as we all grow with open hearts, minds, and hands!
Communion is celebrated about once a month,
with an open table for all.
Speaking of open table—
everyone is invited to stay after the service
for a time of coffee, tea, juice, and cookies—
and sometimes even lunch!
Any questions, please reach out to us
through the Contact page of our website.
We hope to see you soon!