Leadership Covenant of the St. Andrew’s United Church Council

 We promise to pray alone, and together. To thank God, and to ask God’s help in all things.

 We promise to listen to God’s answer to us.

 We promise to demonstrate our Leadership and Commitment to St. Andrew’s by our example.

 We promise to support St. Andrew’s pastors and staff.

 We promise to try to discover what is best for our church as a whole.

 We promise to treat our time on this Council as an opportunity to make an important gift to St. Andrew’s.

 We promise to listen with an open, non-judgemental mind.

 We promise to discuss, debate, and disagree openly in Council meetings.

 We promise to respect our differences.

 We promise to support the final decision of this council, whether it reflects our view or not.

 We promise to live our Mission Statement: “United With God, We Serve.”